15.10.0 (2024-07-25)

Bug Fixes

  • SegmentedSwitch: use blue normal text when selected (e7f9158)


  • TextLink: add support for data and aria attributes (b22b858)

15.9.0 (2024-07-18)


  • icons: update twitter icon to ‘X’ design (52ae537)

15.8.0 (2024-07-11)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonLink: handle hover state on mobile (f1820c7)


  • icons: update icons from figma (4f5f6c2)
  • update minimum tailwindcss version to 3.4.4 (e5a34ca)

15.7.0 (2024-07-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Icon: remove defaultProps in favour of default values (4448925)


  • Itinerary: add onExpand and onCollapse props to ItinerarySegment (df0c31b)

15.6.0 (2024-06-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Itinerary: add type check for key prop in ItinerarySegmentDetail (fbce4aa)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: simplify useWidth to only keep max value (5a95105)


  • icons: update icons from figma (cf12467)

15.5.0 (2024-06-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Checkbox: prevent changes on readOnly (7d16638)


  • icons: update icons from figma (57833af)

15.4.0 (2024-06-06)


  • Radio: update component visually to match latest Figma (4ff0c15)

15.3.1 (2024-05-31)

Bug Fixes

  • ItinerarySegment: ensure text wraps instead of being truncated (1cddf73)

15.3.0 (2024-05-23)


  • icons: update icons from figma (3e5821d)
  • ServiceLogo: add Simtex logo (1de2603)

15.2.0 (2024-05-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Itinerary: clickable area is now more accurate (1c50583)


  • ServiceLogo: add GetYourGuideLong logo (ace0a71)

15.1.1 (2024-04-25)

Bug Fixes

  • InputSelect: it now filters options when they change via props (681634a)

15.1.0 (2024-04-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: overflow now works correctly on large mobile and bigger (6645070)


  • ServiceLogo: add Sherpa logo (4c9d318)

15.0.0 (2024-04-04)


  • OrbitProvider: replace ThemeProvider from SC by a custom one (db0d8f4)
  • remove mediaQueries (8861191)
  • remove rtl utils (e76c186)
  • remove styled-components dependency (6b1277c)


  • OrbitProvider: Styled-Components’ ThemeProvider is no longer used in OrbitProvider. If you still need styled-components capabilities, you should add the ThemeProvider from styled-components to your app and pass it the same theme.
  • rtl styled-components utils removed.
  • mediaQueries function is no longer available. This was a styled-components util function that is now no longer meant to be used. Tokens and breakpoint values are still accessible.

14.1.0 (2024-04-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Icon: icon components props are now correctly typed (33cecc8)
  • Itinerary: fix dates alignment in RTL (6034467)
  • Itinerary: text now wraps instead of overflowing (482636f)
  • Modal: ensure the Modal body can scroll (7b1ac0b)


  • Wizard: migrate to tailwind (fe12927)

14.0.0 (2024-03-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: fix bottom border radius when isMobileFullPage (4a402f9)


  • CallOutBanner: migrate to tailwind (047158b)
  • delete BaggageStepper component (74d8f55)
  • deprecate toggleUp and toggleDown utilities (fe2ed30)
  • Inline: migrate to tailwind (22464a6)
  • InputSelect: migrate to tailwind (3b6617b)
  • Itinerary: migrate to Tailwind (4628d1c)
  • Pagination: migrate to tailwind (c440d74)
  • remove deprecated components (277724d)
  • Seat: migrate to tailwind (079105b)
  • ServiceLogo: migrate to tailwind (357c5fc)
  • SkipLink: migrate to tailwind (a2eb45f)
  • SkipNavigation: migrate to tailwind (e89fe8c)
  • Timeline: migrate to tailwind (6fdc700)


  • deprecated components were removed: ClickOutside, Desktop, Mobile and KeyValue
  • remove BaggageStepper component

13.1.0 (2024-03-07)


  • Coupon: migrate to tailwind (6827ccb)
  • Slide: migrate to tailwind (aa55f45)
  • StopoverArrow: migrate to tailwind (e676cc0)

13.0.0 (2024-02-29)


  • Accordion: migrate to tailwind (b378203)
  • Illustration: add FlightChange illustration (b90bcab)
  • LayoutColumn: migrate to tailwind (db69d5d)
  • ServiceLogo: add AxaWhite logo (3c0b3c9)


  • LayoutColumn: removed hideOn prop from LayoutColumn

12.4.0 (2024-02-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: fix border radius on isMobileFullPage (5f71d77)
  • Wizard: don’t wrap progress label (0374d19)


  • HorizontalScroll: migrate to tailwind (b80eef4)
  • Slider: migrate to tailwind (7b29005)

12.3.0 (2024-02-08)


  • Icon: migrate to Tailwind (6ac12ec)
  • ServiceLogo: add ApplePay and GooglePay logos (4cd14aa)
  • Tag: migrate to Tailwind (436d54f)

12.2.0 (2024-01-25)


  • FeatureIcon: migrate to Tailwind (0ed3ae6)
  • Illustration: add DepartureBoard, DepartureBoardBadge and DepartureBoardLounge illustrations (cae7bd7)

12.1.2 (2024-01-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Card: remove loosy equality check for children in CardSection (8eb5e6f)

12.1.1 (2024-01-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Itinerary: add overflow:hidden to ItinerarySegmentDetail (c4f2e3c)
  • Itinerary: icon sizes were incorrect inside SegmentDetail (7658f45)
  • Loading: remove redundant padding and get back icon 20px size (3f17fcd)
  • Modal: check if e.target.className exists (4d33c99)
  • Modal: remove modal header transition on mobile (7c10d8d)

12.1.0 (2024-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: remove extra top spacing on mobile (007b1c2)
  • Card: border radius incorrectly set on mobile (ed222eb)


  • ButtonPrimitive: improve accessibility by using type and role (ca2e5d9)

12.0.1 (2024-01-05)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: add missing flex-auto (70dcfcd)

12.0.0 (2024-01-04)



  • deprecated flow types removed. Typescript is the only typing solution supported now.

11.3.2 (2024-01-04)

Bug Fixes

  • BadgePrimitive: fix min height (13fa300)
  • ButtonPrimitive: add missing shrink-0 and grow-0 (1b1444c)
  • ButtonPrimitive: width prop now works as expected (88b5047)
  • Itinerary: some text wasn’t truncating properly (e6157ea)
  • Layout: get back correct spacing for Card on Mobile (e0d4e50)
  • Popover: fix max-height when content has actions (798d7c4)
  • TimelineStep: move subLabel below timeline (660387a)

11.3.1 (2023-12-14)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: do not force icon sizes in children (5b865ae)
  • Drawer: noPadding should affect only wrapper (11c2ce0)
  • Hide: fix “smallMobile” for screens of size 0-320px (af5a84c)
  • List: fix ListItem centering bug (ff172eb)
  • OrbitProvider: be more defensive when transforming palette colors to RGBA (0209a65)
  • Popover: remove redundant max-w-fit class (8247324)
  • Stepper: fix disabled background color (4a61be6)
  • Switch: cursor not applied on input (edfc88b)

11.3.0 (2023-12-05)

Bug Fixes

  • TimelineStep: remove redundant spaceAfter (f6fcd90)
  • Timeline: timeline and subLabel height issue (afc018a)


  • ServiceLogo: add GetYourGuide logo (c883823)
  • TimelineStep: make children optional (59d03fc)

11.2.0 (2023-12-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Layout: remove accidental props pass to Grid (e7f47d2)
  • List: fix ListItem icon size (6afd3b9)
  • Popover: links inside tooltips inside content are now clickable (b7114a6)
  • Stepper: fix icon circle accoring to Figma (9411b3e)


  • Illustration: add PassportUpdate (e1d021d)

11.1.1 (2023-11-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Popover: use useRandomId hook instead of React.useId directly (3b49d18)
  • Stack: remove height: 100% for justify and column (c119130)

11.1.0 (2023-11-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: the spaceAfter prop (87f574a)
  • Hide: use native tailwind breakpoint range (39aedd9)
  • InputField: add white background (a0b40a8)
  • ModalHeader: mobile scroll header background (93efe38)
  • Radio: background only on circle, not label (564ee17)
  • Stack: do not apply flex styles, when not needed (56983c1)


  • Popover: migrate to Tailwind (49a619f)
  • Tabs: migrate to Tailwind (b5fa16d)

11.0.0 (2023-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Card: add missing w-full (552e1d4)
  • Card: only capture keys on expandable sections (d536470)
  • TextLink: add missing line-height (58079b6)
  • update the browserlist in package.json (d692f47)


  • ButtonMobileStore: migrate to Tailwind (74b5e27)
  • Checkbox: migrate to Tailwind (1e1b944)
  • ChoiceGroup: migrate to Tailwind (ee340dc)
  • InputField: migrate to Tailwind (37a5719)
  • InputGroup: migrate to Tailwind (b4aa75c)
  • Radio: migrate to Tailwind (4178852)
  • SegmentedSwitch: migrate to Tailwind (5930ffd)
  • Select: migrate to Tailwind (5b731ab)
  • Separator: migrate to Tailwind (23474b3)
  • Skeleton: migrate to Tailwind (dbdd6cc)
  • Switch: migrate to Tailwind (5a3f3cc)
  • Table: migrate TableBody to Tailwind (0663ffb)
  • Table: migrate TableCell to Tailwind (e0b16cb)
  • Table: migrate TableFooter to Tailwind (f18a75c)
  • Table: migrate TableHead to Tailwind (ef0a54e)
  • Table: migrate TableRow to Tailwind (89b9576)
  • Table: migrate to Tailwind (3cce4e2)
  • Textarea: migrate to Tailwind (14d6abc)
  • Textarea: remove size prop (370e768)
  • Toast: migrate ToastMessage to Tailwind (fdef9fb)
  • Toast: migrate ToastRoot to Tailwind (541336e)
  • Truncate: migrate to Tailwind (af04dd4)


  • Textarea: Textarea component no longer has the size prop.
  • Select: Select component no longer has the readOnly prop. The readOnly prop was passed directly to the native HTML select element as an attribute, which is not supported.
  • Separator: ‘color’ prop now accepts Tailwind classname instead of a token, e.g. ‘paletteBlueNormal’ -> ‘border-blue-normal’

10.3.0 (2023-11-03)

Bug Fixes

  • InputSelect: make root label block (9326e59)
  • Loading: use correct font family class (7e53285)
  • Stack: flex prop by default false (e68297b)


  • BadgeList: migrate to Tailwind (4a28842)
  • CarrierLogo: migrate to Tailwind (7fa5aff)
  • Collapse: migrate to tailwind (969ac40)
  • LinkList: migrate to tailwind (84be8c2)
  • ListChoice: migrate to Tailwind (bf449fa)
  • Modal: migrate to Tailwind (4dcd634)
  • NotificationBadge: migrate to Tailwind (2f2344d)
  • Stepper: migrate to Tailwind (e305def)
  • TileGroup: migrate to Tailwind (368bc76)
  • Tile: migrate TileContent to Tailwind (9e8914b)
  • Tile: migrate TileHeader to Tailwind (31151ff)
  • Tile: migrate TileWrapper to Tailwind (bf14d59)

10.2.0 (2023-10-20)

Bug Fixes

  • OrbitProvider: use style tag directly without useEffect (26a6ac5)


  • Alert: migrate to Tailwind (ec3d104)
  • Illustration: add FlightDisruptions illustration (37ad131)

10.1.0 (2023-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Card: add missing white background (ec18790)
  • Dialog: hide scroll bar, but keep scrolling behaviour (73fc50e)
  • ErrorFormTooltip: arrow was misplaced (e346e90)
  • ItinerarySegmentDetail: fix overflowing content issue (bac87db)
  • OrbitProvider: fix whitelables themingissue with css variables (6ee3bee)


  • Grid: add classname prop (036eb85)
  • Hide: migrate to Tailwind (302e0dd)
  • Layout: migrate to Tailwind (26e85ec)

10.0.0 (2023-10-02)

Bug Fixes

  • tailwind: fix animation-loader class (c33ea88)
  • tailwind: remove redundant classes (6fe0c97)


  • Badge: migrate to Tailwind (1e67630)
  • BadgePrimitive: migrate to Tailwind (85de2df)
  • Box: migrate to Tailwind (08a68ed)
  • Breadcrumbs: migrate to Tailwind (c2c7935)
  • ButtonGroup: migrate to Tailwind (2510a42)
  • ButtonLink: migrate to Tailwind (8787569)
  • Button: migrate to Tailwind (25687b3)
  • ButtonPrimitive: migrate to Tailwind (4ea8178)
  • Card: remove icon prop (332f58e)
  • Card: rewrite to Tailwind (1e19342)
  • CarrierLogo: add orbit-carrier-logo class (95eb530)
  • CountryFlag: migrate to Tailwind (e054877)
  • Desktop: deprecate component (9102bfb)
  • Dialog: refactor to tailwind (4f3525d)
  • Drawer: refactor to tailwind (b59a328)
  • ErrorFormTooltip: migrate to Tailwind (7067f3c)
  • FormLabel: migrate to Tailwind (95aaa6b)
  • Grid: migrate Grid to tailwind (#3965) (e19c2ae)
  • Heading: migrate to Tailwind (8244913)
  • icons: update icons from Figma (eabe36e)
  • IllustrationPrimitive: migrate to Tailwind (e436905)
  • InputFile: migrate to Tailwind (960c846)
  • KeyValue: deprecate component (8b30a98)
  • List: rewrite to Tailwind (b8790bc)
  • Loading: migrate to Tailwind (53aa0df)
  • Mobile: deprecate component (24c834c)
  • NavigationBar: migrate to Tailwind (70ca749)
  • Stack: rewrite Stack to tailwind (401b264)
  • tailwind: add bundle classenames for Badge (3874b70)
  • tailwind: add minHeight icon classes (bcc0063)
  • tailwind: add transparent to available colors (47394c9)
  • Text: default value for align is now start (137026a)
  • TextLink: migrate to Tailwind (d7697e4)
  • Text: migrate to Tailwind (225f29b)


  • BadgePrimitive: background and foregroundColor props were removed
  • Card: Card no longer has the icon prop
  • Text: align left and right on Text no longer adjust to RTL. Use start or end instead.
  • Box: StyledBox removed. .orbit-box selector should be used

9.3.1 (2023-09-25)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: do not let ‘loading’ prop be rendered in the DOM (a0e6406)

9.3.0 (2023-09-19)


  • Illustration: add Damage and Wheelchair illustrations (04c78b6)

9.2.0 (2023-09-18)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonLink: fix incorrect hover backgroud color on primary (fdc4c32)


  • icons: update icons from figma (f234800)
  • icons: update icons from figma (225f77e)
  • icons: update icons from figma (7279080)

9.1.0 (2023-09-11)

Bug Fixes

  • Card: header actions are now vertically center aligned (2679f54)
  • HorizontalScroll: prevent click to induce scrolling (1eec4d2)
  • InputField: show ‘readOnly’ as ‘disabled’ visually (594a642)
  • Radio: add visible indication of checked state when disabled (#3970) (8cc1f62)
  • Textarea: show ‘readOnly’ as ‘disabled’ visually (68a25bc)
  • Wizard: title now renders correctly even without labelProgress (9cd2503)


9.0.0 (2023-08-22)



  • OrbitProvider now requires useId prop for random ID generator hook
  • Node version required is now >=18
  • remove deprecated InputGroup
  • remove deprecated Textarea
  • remove deprecated InputFile
  • removed deprecated InputField
  • remove deprecated FormFeedback

8.1.2 (2023-08-08)

8.1.1 (2023-08-08)

8.1.0 (2023-08-03)

Bug Fixes

  • tokens: fix bundle tokens definitons (#3940) (d275b5b)
  • use ForwardRefRenderFunction instead of deprecated RefForwardingComponent (#3941) (a70687c)


  • Textarea: add prop to pass data attributes (#3937) (7089013)

8.0.0 (2023-07-28)

Bug Fixes

  • InputSelect: clearing the input now clears the selected option (b805837)
  • InputSelect: close events and invalid typing (ce9051a)
  • InputSelect: hover effect removed from mobile (766a8d8)
  • InputSelect: present error and info on mobile (6f888f6)
  • InputSelect: spaceAfter was not working correctly (46d4f78)
  • Separator: fix background and border issue (#3925) (5ffa0ee)


  • icons: update icons from figma (#3927) (51c2f14)
  • Illustration: add Ambulance and FlexibleDates illustrations (#3933) (47e8fe8)
  • InputSelect: rename emptyStateMessage to emptyState (6a5ade2)
  • tokens: migrate to style-dictionary (5029dcf)


  • InputSelect: emptyStateMessage string prop is now called emptyState and accepts any React element.

7.8.0 (2023-07-14)

Bug Fixes

  • InputSelect: add missing onOptionSelect callback to onKeyDown (e0d351f)
  • InputSelect: close after selection (a6f39e0)
  • InputSelect: fix ModalHeader padding size (304e7a7)
  • InputSelect: keep option selected on second click (0a9fbeb)
  • Popover: fix popover overlay bubbling event issue (#3921) (e507e5e)


7.7.0 (2023-07-11)

Bug Fixes

  • Box: fix possible color tokens (97d3807)
  • TextLink: allow secondary type inside Alert (#3912) (a6193f5)


7.6.0 (2023-06-28)

Bug Fixes

  • ChoiceGroup: fix event types (1f1832d)
  • ErrorFormTooltip: fix event types (8e85a57)
  • FormLabel: fix event types (74e42f2)
  • InputField: fix event types (4a3dcc0)
  • InputFile: fix event types (7f88332)
  • InputGroup: fix event types (9c0ecdd)
  • InputSelect: fix event types (6ddddb3)
  • Modal: fix event types (f76aee4)
  • Radio: fix event types (4f48a4c)
  • SegmentedSwitch: fix event types (06a24cf)
  • SegmentedSwitch: fix event types (3935db2)
  • Select: fix event types (89c413b)
  • Select: fix focus styles (6dccd7a)
  • Select: long inline label now truncates (17758b4)
  • Slider: allow move the slider over current value (8696c1b)
  • Slider: range Slider was not updating correctly (7fb5229)
  • Switch: fix event types (2897a26)
  • Textarea: fix event types (609628b)


  • Illustration: add NoFlightChange illustration (#3905) (637f876)

7.5.0 (2023-06-23)

Bug Fixes

  • InputGroup: disabled state was not visually correct (53a00e0)
  • InputSelect: z-index was missing from styles (948574c)
  • ListChoice: align icon to the center vertically (b5c022b)
  • Slider: defaultValue now updates the slider (62dd911)


  • InputSelect: add prefix to Option (bf89e71)

7.4.1 (2023-06-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Select: customValueText vertical alignment (#3890) (92c3db8)

7.4.0 (2023-06-16)

Bug Fixes

  • ErrorFormTooltip: change font-weight to normal (#3886) (2cb63c7)
  • HorizontalScroll: arrows now only display if it’s overflowing (#3882) (115fce2)
  • Itinerary: correct cursor is now applied to ItinerarySegmentBanner (#3884) (ff86148)
  • Select: adjust height and alignment of Select and Prefix (#3883) (cedc3a0)


7.3.0 (2023-06-13)

Bug Fixes

  • InputFile: clicking on icon label no longer triggers the OS input (b81547f)
  • InputFile: errorForm tooltip offset (5801e7c)
  • ModalFooter: wrap elements in StyledChild only when multiple (#3869) (be1cfe6)
  • SegmentedSwitch: errorForm tooltip offset (#3877) (032b93f)
  • Select: disabled styles (d1697b1)
  • Select: fix Option label type for flow (d541a91)
  • Select: inlineLabel and Prefix now work as expected (1fa2c23)
  • Slider: value state update was not working correctly (5c7a9aa)
  • Wizard: fix missing provider prop (#3875) (6b34b90)


7.2.0 (2023-05-31)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: change labelClose to accept string only (6c7c53a)
  • ButtonPrimitive: change title to accept string only (6d90024)
  • Card: change labelClose to accept string only (b11a490)
  • Drawer: change labelHide to accept string only (6ff0013)
  • ItinerarySeparator: rename imported Props to avoid naming conflict (#3854) (12fca7a)
  • Modal: change labelClose to accept string only (5879f55)
  • NavigationBar: change openTitle to accept string only (1ce0c9e)
  • Pagination: change label types to string (d815e41)
  • Select: change type of Option label to string (dc18bed)
  • Select: fixed spacing between prefix and customValueText (143abec)
  • SkipNavigation: change label types to string (4ad843e)
  • Stepper: change title to accept only string (9ce9121)
  • Tooltip: change labelClose to accept string only (97a7115)
  • Wizard: change labelClose to accept string only (c866ab8)


7.1.0 (2023-05-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Hide: remove on prop from rendered element (#3845) (f13031c)


  • ItinerarySeparator: add type and color props (d73b182)
  • Popover: add renderTimeout prop (#3841) (7e242a8)
  • Select: add inlineLabel prop (8ad7a1d)
  • Separator: add type and color props (b6497a0)
  • Tab: add min-width to avoid text wrap (b75ce17)

7.0.0 (2023-04-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: change colors for AlertButton subtle (961c6a1)
  • Breacrumbs: change goBackTitle to accept React.Node (b1614e6)
  • Button: change icon sizes and spacing (050e157)
  • ButtonPrimitive: replace current title type with React.Node (e1db0d0)
  • Card: add spacing between actions and title (da4e898)
  • FormLabel: add margin-left offset (eb0f092)
  • SegmentedSwitch: adjust height to match design specs (67dee47)
  • Select: change type of label in option to React.Node (a08eb5f)
  • Tag: adjust height to match design specs (09aa998)
  • Tag: border-radius on responsive (dddf4a4)
  • TextLink: fix color on active state (c981604)
  • TextLink: fix icon sizes (7161d4f)
  • Tile: adjust spacing between icon and content (9e1c83a)
  • Tile: adjust title styles (c880ee6)
  • Tile: fix border-radius on desktop (5e04164)
  • Toast: icon on Promisse Toast was not rendered (#3805) (e50b66f)



  • Alert: add labelClose prop (5dc5d89)
  • BadgePrimitive: remove borderColor prop (70a620d)
  • Badge: rename type prop (a55dbd2)
  • Card: add labelClose prop (71d6cc4)
  • Card: icon prop is deprecated (f6ba524)
  • Drawer: add labelHide prop (198b1d8)
  • ErrorFormTooltip: change border-radius to 6px on responsive (1bbbc00)
  • ErrorFormTooltip: change font-size to 14px only (bf09d30)
  • ErrorformTooltip: icon size changed to normal (9c1045b)
  • InputField: remove size prop (05918ff)
  • InputField: set border-radius to large on responsive (a69c792)
  • MobileDialogPrimitive: add labelClose prop (1c7ab61)
  • Modal: add labelClose prop (c08c245)
  • NavigationBar: add openTitle prop (2abe630)
  • Pagination: add label props (7b61545)
  • Popover: add labelClose prop (0252aa0)
  • Popover: add maxHeight prop (b454d7b)
  • remove deprecated InputStepper component (ad64d7a)
  • remove translation and dictionary components (4816c39)
  • Select: remove size prop (a5e13a3)
  • SkipNavigation: add label props (90f8e65)
  • SkipNavigation: add label props (e5aeb5a)
  • Tag: add iconLeft prop (5a55e93)
  • tokens: change fontSizeSm to 13px and fontSizeMd to 15px (262104e)
  • Tooltip: add labelClose prop (01e9e28)


  • Select: size prop was removed. Normal size is now the only option.
  • InputField: size prop was removed. Normal size now is the only option.
  • Illustration: visual breaking change on ModalFooter. Flex-none is no longer applied after largeMobile.
  • Badge: New type subtle is the old default one. New default is the old Inverted
  • BadgePrimitive: borderColor prop is no longer accepted
  • translations removed, use labelClose for close Button and labelProgress for progress text
  • NavigationBar: translation removed, use openTitle with Translate instead
  • Modal: translations removed, use labelClose with Translate instead
  • Drawer: removed translation, use labelHide prop with Translate instead
  • Deprecated InputStepper removed, use Stepper instead
  • Card: use labelClose prop to add title for close button
  • Breacrumbs: translation removed, use goBackTitle prop with Translate
  • Alert: translation removed, use labelClose prop
  • SkipNavigation: transaltion removed, use feedbackLabel to add translation for feedback button content
  • Popover: removed translation, use labelClose prop instead
  • Pagination: translations were removed, use label props instead
  • useTranslate, useDictionary, Translate and Dictionary componentes were removed.
  • Toast: The createToastPromise function now receives three arguments. Check documentation for further details.

6.4.0 (2023-04-17)


6.3.1 (2023-03-31)

Bug Fixes

  • CountryFlag: add condition to console.warn (7bc2b95)
  • Slider: add condition to console.warn (78c59ce)

6.3.0 (2023-03-29)

Bug Fixes

  • AlertButton: padding was not correct when there was an icon (#3778) (e2feb34)
  • Coupon: change border color to paletteCloudDark (457efe6)
  • InputGroup: fixes problem with long labels (#3779) (2ef2dc1)
  • Loading: fix LoadingSpinner size with customSize prop (#3789) (0b4056c)
  • ModalFooter: count children properly (#3790) (c982e6c)


6.2.1 (2023-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Button: fullWidth prop type was incorrectly set (#3776) (d1b2376)

6.2.0 (2023-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • CarrierLogo: remove shadow from inlineStacked variation (f06731f)
  • Itinerary: type colors were not being correctly applied (cb90cef)
  • SegmentedSwitch: add role switch (4b2e5e2)
  • Stack: fix gap issue for iOS Safar < 14.1 (#3763) (8fd4fa4)
  • Switch: background color was not correct (5a6841b)
  • utils: force outline to have only blue color (7170bb7)


  • Button: add download prop (a27447c)
  • ButtonLink: add download and centered props (6d90b90)
  • ButtonPrimitive: add download prop (a1a6d64)
  • TextLink: add download prop (618d016)

6.1.0 (2023-03-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Itinerary: incorrect internal type passing Text on cancelled info (#3760) (d945ae7)
  • Itinerary: text can now be selected inside ItinerarySegmentDetails (f705780)
  • Timeline: correctly align text inside a Modal (#3759) (0acff49)


  • icons: update icons from figma (#3757) (22ae41a)
  • Itinerary: add actionable bool prop to ItineraryStatus (d58e9ce)

6.0.3 (2023-03-03)

Bug Fixes

  • TabList: remove twiced ObjectProperty from d.ts (6735b60)

6.0.2 (2023-03-02)

6.0.1 (2023-03-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Tabs: fix typing issues in .d.ts files (4198d88)

6.0.0 (2023-02-28)

Bug Fixes

  • adjust marginUtility to spacingUtility (e9e2f09)
  • icons: fix bank icon id (1e9bec1)
  • icons: icon names were changed in Figma (a9c1c10)
  • InptuField: remove theme from DOM element (c9e7011)
  • ItineraryBadgeList: fix status colors (d921a30)
  • Itinerary: only display chevron if Banner is clickable (#3741) (8f2df5f)
  • ItinerarySegment: fix incorrect status colors (ebafe7e)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: fix CircleSmall icon (#3746) (8d22436)
  • ItineraryStatus: fix incorrect status colors (815721b)
  • Modal: border-radius on mobile (#3740) (5d8e08a)
  • Modal: fixed mobile header while scrolling (#3753) (967375d)
  • Select: remove white bg from container (#3745) (0fc18c8)
  • TextLink: remove type and theme props from DOM element (6c573aa)
  • Timeline: fix the last bold line in TimelineStep on desktop (#3747) (520d345)


  • icons: update icons from figma (#3737) (7b82d6e)
  • icons: update icons from figma (#3744) (7c43a44)
  • introduce Tabs component (6c7607f)
  • Modal: export ModalHeading subcomponent (94010b8)
  • Modal: remove margin when there’s no title or description (15f12ac)
  • Text: element prop in StyledText now has p as defaultValue (723dd5d)


  • icons: ChevronDoubleRight -> ChevronDoubleForward ChevronDoubleLeft -> ChevronDoubleBackward ChevronRight -> ChevronForward ChevronLeft -> ChevronBackward
  • marginUtility renamed to spacingUtility
  • Modal: When a ModalHeader has no title nor description but has children, no margin is applied by default

5.3.0 (2023-01-24)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: line-height of elements (3601846)
  • Checkbox: disabled color (fc82a93)
  • FormLabel: adjust line-height (e505725)
  • Grid: fix missing spaceAfter (#3728) (9f1cd25)
  • icons: fix calendar-duration icon (#3714) (b07e295)
  • Radio: disabled color and cursor (d7f7714)
  • SegmentedSwitch: adjust padding on option (9760298)
  • Table: fix incorrect color value from paletteInkNormal to paletteInkDark (#3727) (fc5e7d3)
  • Text: default margin to 0 after removing unintentionally (ecdcb9a)


  • ErrorFormTooltip: add hasTooltip parameter to hook (519f841)
  • icons: update icons from figma (#3717) (9eadb46)
  • icons: update icons from figma (#3722) (ebf10b0)
  • Illustration: add MobileApp2 illustration (#3725) (92e4483)

5.2.0 (2023-01-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: make last element always bold (#3699) (a9ab2aa)
  • Card: remove additional padding in CardSection (#3696) (826cae2)
  • CarrierLogo: correct width when inlineStacked (4bd0bed)
  • icons: add prefixes to icon ids (#3698) (d585b3d)
  • Popover: click outside was not working correctly (#3702) (eeeeb86)
  • StepperStateless: remove size prop from types (71b6190)


  • icons: update icons from figma (#3709) (16d4b41)
  • InputField: add aria-invalid and aria-describedby (33f4bb6)
  • Select: add aria-invalid and aria-describedby (eb49bb4)
  • Textarea: add aria-invalid and aria-describedby (05f955a)


  • Revert “Add aria-invalid and aria-describedby to form components (#3706)” (a7be870), closes #3706

5.1.0 (2022-12-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Button: export conditional types correctly (#3680) (6aec97f)
  • ButtonLink: remove redundant ref type (d483280)
  • CalloutBanner: fix tabIndex type (4187abc)
  • Card: inconsistent expanded state is now impossible (#3679) (c7d5cd2)
  • CarrierLogo: use useRandomIdSeed (#3686) (ba538f8)
  • InputField: fix tabIndex type (a11e324)
  • InputField: remove redundant ref type (e8bce1e)
  • ItinerarySegment: fix incorrect counting of elements (#3687) (6061b95)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: fix date type (3f1b92d)
  • Radio: remove redundant ref type (ac51550)
  • Select: fix select ref type (0bc368d)
  • Select: remove ref type (4b80564)
  • Switch: remove redundant ref type (b05f267)
  • Tag: remove redundant ref type (fcf00eb)


  • Card: add margin utility prop (eddb2fe)
  • common: add ObjectPropertUtility type (600f8f9)
  • icons: update icons from figma (#3691) (898d44f)
  • Illustration: add margin utility prop (581fcb9)
  • IllustrationPrimitive: add margin utility prop (8efc6e9)
  • Text: add margin utility prop (02b9549)
  • utils: add marginUtility (0f880a4)

5.0.0 (2022-12-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Box: wrap property was calculated incorrectly (620812d)
  • CardSection: remove focus background style (#3671) (cd11b2c)
  • CarrierLogo: use CarrierLogo tokens (89ece90)
  • CarrierLogo: use space token after icon size changes (d4408eb)
  • Heading: add missing role=‘heading’ for div rendered as Heading (#3666) (caed409)
  • Itinerary: render text as div (#3643) (fd5dd46)
  • ItinerarySegmentBanner: fix RTL issue (#3659) (6ed2395)
  • ItinerarySegment: fix access of hidden prop in the context (#3675) (e18b9dd)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: fix ItineraryIcon (#3669) (6da4c6d)
  • Modal: don’t render overlay if is full page (4e31400)
  • TextLink: repair broken CSS rule (#3638) (1927ca1)
  • Tooltip: background color (#3667) (7819c9b)


  • add inlineStacked property to CarrierLogo (#3652) (e30e1c3)
  • Button: add centered prop for fullWidth (#3673) (f639b3e)
  • Button: add line-height: 1 (#3676) (34130c2)
  • Button: add tokens for subtle button (#3658) (2e84139)
  • Illustration: add FastBooking illustration (#3672) (3b19cd6)
  • InputField: set autoCorrect and autoCapitalize explicitly to off (#3651) (f27912e)
  • rename ThemeProvider to OrbitProvider (#3601) (10030dd)
  • ServiceLogo: add AirHelpPlus logo (6313ada)
  • tokens: change icon sizes according to a new designs (54e515f)


  • revert exporting types from index (9e827b4)


4.2.0 (2022-11-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: element without href is now focusable if it has onClick (b252f72)
  • Grid: fix TypeScript type for spaceAfter in Grid (#3623) (70d713b)
  • SegmentedSwitch: incorrect defaultChecked prop name (#3618) (e5c8efb)
  • Textarea: required prop displays an asterisk (#3617) (1d531a4)
  • Timeline: make last successful step text ink colored (#3635) (c5a3f7d)
  • Tooltip: add missing onShow for MobileDialog (206a818)


  • Breadcrumbs: change focus to native colors (c23dc88)
  • CallOutBanner: change focus to native colors (73e2fed)
  • Card: change focus to native colors (4f7e209)
  • Checkbox: change focus to native colors (6298b19)
  • icons: update icons from figma (#3630) (7f524a0)
  • InputFile: change focus to native colors (8e5f155)
  • InputGroup: change focus to native colors (9770ea8)
  • Itinerary: change focus to native colors (052cbe6)
  • ListChoice: change focus to native colors (517bd20)
  • MobileDialog: add onShow callback (2dee49e)
  • Radio: change focus to native colors (e85e76c)
  • Seat: change focus to native colors (2b8d8b6)
  • SegmentedSwitch: change focus to native colors (f08e9d1)
  • Slider: change focus to native colors (793ef00)
  • Stepper: change focus to native colors (16e9a75)
  • Switch: change focus to native colors (ead846a)
  • Tag: change focus to native colors (6189785)
  • Textarea: change focus to native colors (19cbd79)
  • TextLink: change focus to native colors (9299123)
  • Tile: change focus to native colors (14455eb)
  • Timeline: add active prop, subLabel and label accept React.Node (ed45cf9)
  • Timeline: new component design (99d5094)
  • utils: add defaultFocus (f419334)

4.1.0 (2022-10-18)

Bug Fixes


  • HorizontalScroll: add arrows to scroll (#3603) (3ec0895)
  • LinkList: add legacy prop (553029f)
  • Stack: add legacy prop to apply old spacing behaviour (c6096dd)

4.0.0 (2022-10-12)

Bug Fixes

  • HorizontalScroll: fix issue with glitching on mobile while scrolling (#3593) (343d3fc)
  • ItineraryBadgeListItem: add margin-top only if cancelledValue provided (0e7745a)
  • Skeleton: fix default color from paletteCloudDark to paletteCloudNormal (055d009)
  • Stack: keep old behavior, enable gap only if flex or spacing is provided (#3597) (1445684)
  • Tooltip: add max-width and render as flex instead of block (#3595) (7b734b0)
  • TooltipPrimitive: add handleClick to content (#3594) (b867342)



  • PricingTable: PricingTable and PricingTableItem were removed. Its implementation was moved to repositories using it.
  • tokens: a few design tokens were changed

3.8.0 (2022-10-07)

Bug Fixes

  • FormLabel: use onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave on wrapper (8d5acb1)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: add missing flex shrink (#3581) (75b1f4c)


  • Badge: export StyledBadge type (13fe6d3)
  • Itinerary: add ItineraryBadgeListItem (2972f97)
  • List: export IconContainer and Item subcomponents (72a904d)
  • SegmentedSwitch: new SegmentedSwitch component (5d3b538)
  • Text: export StyledText type (b18f3fb)
  • Tooltip: add onShown prop (b4f152e)
  • TooltipPrimitive: add onShown prop (8c21377)

3.7.1 (2022-09-23)

Bug Fixes

  • ItinerarySegmentStop: fix wider background color (2663934)
  • ItineraryStatus: fixed height issue and longer translations (901cf71)
  • Tile: fix inherited font-weight (#3580) (bdc57de)

3.7.0 (2022-09-20)


3.6.1 (2022-09-16)

Bug Fixes

  • BadgePrimitive: remove CarrierLogo offset (7738f88)
  • HorizontalScroll: fix useScroll hook to support touchevent (7207333)
  • ItineraryBadgeList: remove default spaceAfter medium (ea7f3be)
  • ItinerarySeparator: fix z-index issue (0dc08b1)

3.6.0 (2022-09-01)

Bug Fixes

  • HorizontalScroll: remove shadow after it reaches end (9168bbe)
  • Itinerary: fix icons imports (8373597)


  • BadgeListItem: add strikeThrough property (b2cf321)
  • Box: add forwardRef (407b244)
  • Box: extend elevations (6de92cf)

3.5.1 (2022-08-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Loading: remove padding with customSize (303ed7d)

3.5.0 (2022-08-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Checkbox: change font-weight to medium for label (9202eb7)
  • deprecated InputField label z-index (#3559) (f9b67ad)
  • Radio: change font-size to medium for label (5fc7bd6)
  • useTransition: fix type export (#3560) (fda99a8)


3.4.0 (2022-08-01)

Bug Fixes


3.3.0 (2022-07-21)

Bug Fixes


3.2.0 (2022-07-15)

Bug Fixes

  • ItineraryIcon: remove background color for first and last icon (6e47687)
  • Itinerary: remove opacity on Hidden (ec53d4c)
  • ItinerarySegmentDetail: remove border-radius on summary (69d6cde)
  • Popover: change zIndex value to 705 because of NavigationBar (#3523) (9a40b57)
  • Stepper: change box-shadow to inset (#3438) (8b3bf51)
  • Timeline: render subLabel under label on mobile (44d84bc)


  • ItinerarySegmentStop: add cancelledDate, cancelledCity, cancelledStation props (69cc839)
  • Timeline: add asText property (ca6bd42)

3.1.0 (2022-06-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Itinerary: add radial-gradient to ItineraryIcon (69b11ca)
  • Itinerary: remove hover background color (313f533)
  • Stepper: minor stepper fixes (#3431) (fe4a4fb)


  • add ids to components (#3422) (5036dbf)
  • icons: update icons from figma (#3421) (d90f7dd)
  • Itinerary: add ItinerarySeparator component (d4c804d)
  • ItinerarySegment: add info prop (13a1a20)
  • ItinerarySegment: make banner clickable (202de24)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: add support for new HiddenCities (4cac115)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: add support of cancelled time (92c8b64)
  • KeyValue: add KeyValue component (#3430) (a9358a9)
  • Text: add withBackground property (1852f0b)
  • useIntersect: export observer (#3432) (547b41e)


  • Revert “fix(useLockScroll): add webkit-scrollbar to prevent layout shift (#3408)” (#3420) (9a72307), closes #3408 #3420

3.0.0 (2022-06-20)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: contentAlign prop fix (#3405) (936f860)
  • Stepper: fix Stepper width on responsive (#3418) (eb1b663)
  • Switch: make circle icon to be 8px (#3415) (a0ed184)
  • useLockScroll: add webkit-scrollbar to prevent layout shift (#3408) (c9ff813)


  • components: stepper visual updates (df86a44)
  • deprecate: deprecate InputStepper component (f6d2da9)
  • icons: update icons from figma (32c0f24)
  • illustration: add AppKiwi illustration (#3416) (6be7363)
  • Stepper: remove size prop (49f31ce)


  • Stepper: size prop was removed

2.22.2 (2022-06-07)

Bug Fixes

  • icons: colored signal and google (6925af9)

2.22.1 (2022-06-06)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: prevent appearance css specifity issue (#3394) (e9c2376)
  • icons: fix baggage icons (a7844aa)
  • icons: fix google icon (03bff2b)
  • icons: fix icons content after figma update (#3403) (f2822f9)

2.22.0 (2022-06-03)


2.21.0 (2022-06-02)

Bug Fixes


2.20.0 (2022-06-01)

Bug Fixes

  • deprecated: inputGroup margin (#3375) (420c61b)
  • Pagination: add missing translation for responsive variant (#3374) (761bc7c)


  • icons: add radar icon (e88a3f5)
  • Timeline: add direction prop (55192c0)
  • Wizard: allow column on desktop (e375ba4)

2.19.1 (2022-05-13)

2.19.0 (2022-05-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Button and ButtonLink changes (#3351) (598ac28)
  • button and buttonLink to have default browser outline for tab nav (bf8eca2)
  • ButtonLink: set productNormalHover and productNormalActive colors for compact secondary (4cb3cf9)
  • ErrorFormsTooltip: turn off flip (#3347) (e581554)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: fix SSR issue (#3350) (56b1bc7)
  • useLockScrolling: lockScrollingBarGap bug (#3346) (f3a552d)


  • tokens: add colorTextButtonLinkSecondaryCompact active and hover tokens (5ddcf2e)

2.18.0 (2022-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Icon: fix storybook iconList (#3342) (3009190)
  • ItinerarySegment: change line color to paletteCloudNormalActive (#3345) (3dcf147)
  • ItinerarySegmentStop: fix paddings and minWidth (#3339) (ead0cf6)
  • Skeleton: make pulse animation more visible (#3335) (a02c435)


2.17.2 (2022-04-05)

Bug Fixes

2.17.1 (2022-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • icons: colored-whatsapp icon name (6706b68)

2.17.0 (2022-03-22)

Bug Fixes


2.16.0 (2022-03-11)

Bug Fixes

  • ItinerarySegmentDetail: expandable, only if content is provided (#3303) (d840627)


  • Illustrations: add new Chatbot, FareLock illustrations (#3304) (31d5d82)

2.15.1 (2022-03-07)

Bug Fixes

2.15.0 (2022-03-02)

Bug Fixes

  • InputGroup: pass and test forwardRef (c1ef417)
  • ItinerarySegmentDetail: fix click event for badges (99305ae)
  • List: remove additional spacing (#3299) (be2ac7c)


  • HorizontalScroll: add onOverflow prop (ec04d31)

2.14.2 (2022-02-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: fix content line-height (485b67f)
  • ChoiceGroup: add forwardRef (3158068)
  • Drawer: autofocus close button when opened (39dc39c)
  • Drawer: close on ESC (0de54ee)
  • Drawer: use focus trap (8291bd3)
  • InputGroup: add forwardRef (78ff5f7)

2.14.1 (2022-02-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Popover: remove animation on desktop (1b5d613)

2.14.0 (2022-02-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Card: change chevron icon color to secondary (813c02f)
  • Collapse: change icon color to secondary (ccc945b)
  • Drawer: new z-index value (df4a571)
  • Drawer: use new z-index value (#3292) (b0c5a6d)
  • ItinerarySegmentDetail: change chevron to secondary color (8b05f16)
  • Select: change icon color to InkLight (4467e53)
  • Tag: fix persistant focus (#3287) (286088e)
  • Tile: change chevon icon color to secondary (68cb181)
  • useScrollLock: return reserveScrollBarGap option (#3286) (118a9cb)


2.13.0 (2022-02-10)


2.12.0 (2022-02-09)

Bug Fixes


2.11.0 (2022-02-07)

Bug Fixes

  • ItinerarySegmentDetail: fix overflowing badges (5a4bea7)


  • Badge: add new bundle type (1c92c62)
  • Button: add new bundle type (ad7c435)
  • HorizontalScroll: add elevationOverflow and elevationColor props (8c7ce02)

2.10.0 (2022-02-02)

Bug Fixes

  • InputGroup: fix issue with long labels (#3256) (9690e1e)
  • useTransition: replace enter API with state (ab239d4)


2.9.0 (2022-01-24)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: preserve :hover and :active styles (6b67b24)
  • ErrorFormTooltip: help closable onBlur (#3246) (9a0c04d)
  • Itinerary: truncate possible long texts (#3247) (740c798)
  • Popover: ensure rounded bottom corners when actions are defined (f8f6e39)


  • Separator: add props indent and align (e8f5bcb)
  • SocialButton: add chevron icons (538a28a)

2.8.1 (2022-01-20)

2.8.0 (2022-01-20)

Bug Fixes


2.7.0 (2022-01-14)

Bug Fixes


  • Illustration: add new illustrations (#3234) (f90da39)
  • Layout: accommodate breadcrumbs on booking (cedef08)

2.6.1 (2022-01-07)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: remove line-height (ea54b4e)
  • InputField: fix placeholder type (42a6244)

2.6.0 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Checkbox: fix design discrepancies in border width and radius (24b9af2)
  • fix background color for help tooltip in form components (8ce16bd)
  • fix tooltip’s padding in form components (c7496c8)
  • increase font weight of labels in form components (56fcaeb)
  • Itinerary: fix to match design (#3222) (80fa090)
  • Radio: lower focus glow amount (2a7012f)


2.5.1 (2021-12-13)

Bug Fixes

2.5.0 (2021-12-07)

Bug Fixes

  • getBreakpointWidth: improve typings through overloading (069cf86)
  • Heading: add missing TypeScript definition for StyledHeading (7bdb6e2)
  • Heading: temporary fix for viewports being undefined (#3212) (4f3fb8d)
  • Tooltip: export interface (#3210) (d393f9a)


2.4.1 (2021-12-03)

Bug Fixes

  • useMediaQuery: add a fallback for older browsers (3f51a3c)

2.4.0 (2021-12-01)

Bug Fixes

  • InputField: fix warning caused by the invalid $width attribute (1afc9d2)
  • InputStepper: fix type definitions to export InputStepperStateless (36549da)
  • update peerDependencies to support both styled-components v4 and v5 (f420ff8)
  • useFocusTrap: export from root (1df0f8f)


  • Box: support display="list-item" (b42662a)
  • export RTL utilities from root as rtl (10f8d1f)

2.3.0 (2021-11-23)


  • Badge: add border and carriers props (e538b53)
  • BadgePrimitive: add carriers prop (274795c)
  • CarrierLogo: add rounded prop (55aaf50)
  • Itinerary: init (3a0d40e)
  • Text: add font-weight medium (1a361f2)
  • Text: add line-through (2a74e2d)

2.2.0 (2021-11-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Box: flex-grow and flex-shrink, allow any number (#3190) (0243bfa)
  • Popover: useClickOutside after isLargeMobile (#3189) (02b1487)
  • prevent form tooltip from falling off-screen (8c8a0a8)
  • SmartPassIllustration: fix double id (ada7a0b)
  • WizardStepIcon: fix transient props (#3184) (a560e0f)


2.1.3 (2021-11-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Heading: fix error when passing unsupported props (b52bcdb)

2.1.2 (2021-11-09)

2.1.1 (2021-11-05)

Bug Fixes

2.1.0 (2021-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • useMediaQuery: optimize, support custom breakpoints, and make it work without context (8a734fd)


  • Wizard: close after click on WizardStep in compact (#3176) (247e7ae)

2.0.1 (2021-11-03)

Bug Fixes

  • missing storybook provider (#3173) (4967fb7)
  • useToggle: make typings reflect initial param is optional (95821c5)

2.0.0 (2021-11-02)

Bug Fixes

Code Refactoring

  • TooltipPrimitive: use Popper instead of custom logic (#3129) (0e2271f)


  • TooltipPrimitive: replace props preferredAlign and preferredPosition with placement, and add new props noFlip and offset.
  • CountryFlag: The default code for CountryFlag is now "undefined" rather than "anywhere", a gray flag with a question mark. This code is also used if the given code isn’t supported.
  • media queries in useMediaQuery are now being properly initialized, in useEffect rather than directly in render, which should prevent some cryptic bugs, but there is a tiny chance that it will break code for those who have been relying on previous behavior, so it’s important to be aware of this change.

1.6.1 (2021-10-27)

Bug Fixes

  • cloneWithTooltip: wrong type declaration (52c2418)

1.6.0 (2021-10-27)


  • InputField: add width prop (2a2fe0f)
  • InputFile: add width prop (70d1d39)
  • InputStepper: add width prop (c479f41)
  • Select: add width prop (865d690)
  • TextLink: add active and focus colors (3df1647)

1.5.0 (2021-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • bring back missing icon Flow declarations (9c0dcac)
  • ErrorForms: fix font-size (#3151) (323c480)
  • useLockScrolling: support nested scroll locks (#3149) (8215c85)



  • Revert “feat: export Theme type from root (#3125)” (c0754d9), closes #3125

1.4.0 (2021-10-20)

Bug Fixes

  • ModalHeader: remove margins from title (e9ae04d)


1.3.1 (2021-10-18)

Bug Fixes

1.3.0 (2021-10-14)

Bug Fixes

  • useRandomId: fix missing UIDReset (d2e0ec8)


1.2.2 (2021-10-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Skeleton: fix default height (cc02dd3)

1.2.1 (2021-10-06)

Bug Fixes

1.2.0 (2021-10-01)

Bug Fixes


  • Skeleton: allow string values for height and width (43f51bb)
  • add component structure component (8cacce0)
  • export useRandomId and useRandomIdSeed from root (cf4dd14)
  • export useTheme hook from root (a622f6d)

1.1.0 (2021-09-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Icon: explicitly set expected display (5babd1a)
  • useLockScrolling: ensure that scroll is locked by default (bb2da46)


  • Alert: properly style links in Alert (8d3fff5)

1.0.1 (2021-09-13)

Bug Fixes

  • InputField: remove aria-labelledby when label is provided (#3103) (724163b)

1.0.0 (2021-09-10)

Code Refactoring



      • "top-start"
      • "top-end"
      • "bottom-start"
      • "bottom-end"
      • "right-start"
      • "right-end"
      • "left-start"
      • "left-end"
      • "auto"
      • "auto-start"
      • "auto-end"
      • noFlip: Turns off automatic flipping of the Popover when there is not enough space
      • allowOverflow: Allows the Popover to be cut off instead of moving it while scrolling to keep it visible.

0.122.0 (2021-09-09)


  • Skeleton: introduce Skeleton component (#3071) (6a3cf3d)
  • useLockScrolling: allow specifying additional dependencies (aac39f0)
  • add lockScrolling theme flag (abfe92c)

0.121.0 (2021-09-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Badge: add border to type white (#3085) (70264ee)
  • CountryFlag: disallow code value null (481b36c)
  • Drawer: fix iOS bug with scrolling content (92827ab)
  • Modal: fix bug with detached footer (#3093) (d552b78)
  • add missing TS definitions in ESM build (90ec51a)
  • use @kiwicom/orbit-design-tokens’s ESM build (a85a521)



  • CountryFlag: Flow and TypeScript type definitions no longer allow null as value for CountryFlag’s code.

0.120.0 (2021-08-19)

Bug Fixes

  • useLockScrolling: fix body positioning on iOS (b780fde)


0.119.0 (2021-08-10)


0.118.1 (2021-08-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: hide closeContainer with mobileHeader set to false (#3065) (78c1a55)

0.118.0 (2021-08-05)

Bug Fixes


0.117.0 (2021-07-22)

Bug Fixes

  • ChoiceGroup: use correct box sizing (68c2303)
  • InputField: add aria-required (7d7f5ef)


0.116.0 (2021-06-24)

Bug Fixes


  • ChoiceGroup: increase rendering flexibility (#2983) (9c2625b)

0.115.0 (2021-05-27)

Bug Fixes

  • HorizontalScroll: getSnap (9823909)


  • CarrierLogo: add kiwicom type fallback (#2959) (041d8d6)
  • Dialog: add insidePortal prop (dbe7785)
  • HorizontalScroll: add scroll-snap-type (#2964) (837685d)
  • Illustration: add GroundTransport404 (#2966) (24771e2)
  • MobileDialog: add insidePortal prop (3b55af6)
  • Modal: add disableAnimation prop (306455b)
  • Popover: add insidePortal prop (14d126f)
  • TextLink: add status types (#2915) (970edc7)
  • Tooltip: add insidePortal prop (fa127e8)
  • TooltipPrimitive: add insidePortal prop (4cb5dde)
  • introduce BadgeList component (#2937) (b2b68ec)

0.114.2 (2021-05-17)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonLink: pass size prop to icons (#2938) (0184785)
  • HorizontalScroll: remove automatic height calculation for wrapper (#2936) (0880483)
  • MobileDialog: change to dialog role (9895ac7)
  • popover: close on overlay (e2cef68)
  • pass aria-labelledby for switch labels (#2935) (1b10e4c)


  • Modal: revert CLS changes (b1d00b4)

0.114.1 (2021-05-12)

Bug Fixes

  • BaggageStepper: forgotten prop (#2931) (6797d73)
  • Modal: reduce Cumulative Layout Shift (2108956)

0.114.0 (2021-05-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Popover: fix bug with Tooltip inside Popover on mobile (75d8fa4)


0.113.1 (2021-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Button: pass forgotten size prop to utility functions (8b97281)
  • ButtonPrimitive: remove redundant size property (#2847) (bec9180)
  • examples: strip flow types from the generated JSONs (#2913) (49f36fd)
  • SocialButton: add forgotten size property to getCommomProps (a950d6d)

0.113.0 (2021-04-22)

Bug Fixes

  • add TypeScript definition of getTokens (267109a)
  • add typescript export of defaultTheme (1047b61)
  • export SeatLegend (576027f)
  • update React peer dependency versions (#2898) (b841f2d)
  • Breadcrumbs: missing action in default story (#2884) (683bd86)
  • docs: escape pipe in Alert button props table (f50485f)
  • useBoundingRect: fix TypeScript declaration (#2875) (371b30d)


  • add export of calculateCountOf (6ac26ff)
  • docs: update guidance on notification badges (f5b0da7)


  • useBoundingRect: In TypeScript useBoundingRect now requires a type parameter based on which HTML element it measures:
function App() {
const [dimensions, ref] = useBoundingRect<HTMLDivElement>();
return <div ref={ref} />;

0.112.0 (2021-04-07)

Bug Fixes

  • add default export for Icon stories (#2864) (2e9d2c7)
  • docs: add exports for types (3acc31e)
  • docs: change null to 0 (9eca6cd)
  • docs: remove improper token in enum (4ab6b23)
  • TextLink: called twice when stopPropagation specified (#2857) (4fc78dc)
  • TypeScript: fix root mediaQueries export (32a70a6)



  • Renamed icons BaggageChecked -> BaggageChecked30; BaggagePersonalItem -> BaggagePersonal; BaggagePersonalItemNone -> BaggagePersonalNone
  • BaggageChecked10
  • BaggageChecked20
  • BaggageChecked -> BaggageChecked30
  • BaggagePersonalItem -> BaggagePersonal
  • BaggagePersonalItemNone -> BaggagePersonalNone
  • PriorityBorading
  • BaggageCheckedNone
  • BaggageCabin
  • BaggageCabinNone

0.111.1 (2021-03-19)

Bug Fixes

0.111.0 (2021-03-08)

Bug Fixes


0.110.0 (2021-03-03)

Bug Fixes


  • Modal: autofocus (#2749) (7318569)
  • slide: added static defaultProps inside class (e344e61)
  • slide: added transitionDuration support (7e5cf6a)
  • slide: fixed eslint issues (d0bd068)
  • slide: using defaultProps instead of destruct value (140f896)
  • Slide: added transitionDuration support (#2751) (e7b5c72)

0.109.2 (2021-02-16)

Bug Fixes

0.109.1 (2021-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • use postinstall script only in development (05cecc4)

0.109.0 (2021-02-05)

Bug Fixes

  • InputTags: fix cleanup logic (7d66ff8)
  • PictureCard: label semantic (#2713) (0c454e0)
  • Seat: small selected state (#2715) (8426630)
  • useIntersect: do nothing in browsers that don’t support IntersectionObserver (99d3772)
  • useMediaQuery: fix Rules of Hooks violation (6146505)


  • eslint-orbit: add unique-ids rule (#2671) (b6a1057)
  • Seat: new icon sizes, general refactoring (a86cd07)


  • Seat: separated component for legend, changed icon sizes

0.108.2 (2021-01-26)

Bug Fixes

0.108.1 (2021-01-25)

Bug Fixes

0.108.0 (2021-01-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: missing onExpand ts (4a64429)
  • Card: missing titleAs in d.ts (#2666) (0f60daa)
  • IllustrationPrimitive: allow empty alt (1c9e3d7)
  • Tag: focus only if onClick/onRemove provided (41a163a)


  • Tag: add forwardRef (4445cbb)
  • Tag: Icon prop removed, changed colors (4b918c0)

0.107.0 (2021-01-13)

Bug Fixes

  • seat: randomize id to prevent namespace errors (114e38f)


0.106.0 (2021-01-07)

Bug Fixes


0.105.0 (2020-12-18)

Bug Fixes


0.104.0 (2020-12-17)

Bug Fixes


0.103.0 (2020-12-10)

Bug Fixes

  • SkipLink: sr-only styles, label as aria-label (eb0d625)
  • SmartPassIllustration: linergradients missing ids restored (93fd176)
  • Wizard: translate progress label on mobile (#2576) (cf6fc54)



  • Modal: size prop is changed, added new value CODEMODE: jscodeshift -t https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kiwicom/orbit/master/packages/orbit-components/transforms/Modal-size.js <pathToYourCode> --parser=flow|t

0.102.0 (2020-12-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: allow any children type in Flow (#2552) (1f7e37d)
  • Popover: popover bottom position issue (#2540) (4b251ad)
  • SmartPassIllustration: change smartPass api, to reduce bundle size (#2529) (761d3f3)



  • SmartPassIllustration: API of SmartPassIllustation has changed

0.101.0 (2020-11-26)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: expose modalBody and modalContent (500cf6b)


  • Modal: add scrollingElementRef prop (0cf4f7e)
  • SmartPassIllustration: added v5 image (#2519) (f718651)

0.100.1 (2020-11-24)

Bug Fixes

0.100.0 (2020-11-23)

Bug Fixes


0.99.0 (2020-11-19)

Bug Fixes


0.98.0 (2020-11-10)

Bug Fixes


0.97.0 (2020-11-10)

Bug Fixes


0.96.3 (2020-11-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: expose setScrollPosition via forwardRef (#2472) (3f30a63)
  • Modal: fix TypeScript definition for ref (#2479) (86c5c7e)

0.96.2 (2020-11-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Inline: add inner wrapper for negative margin (#2469) (efd7ab2)

0.96.1 (2020-11-05)

Bug Fixes

0.96.0 (2020-11-04)

Bug Fixes

  • InputFile: forward onFocus event handler (#2461) (92ad4da)
  • SkipNavigation: fix typos in stories (#2414) (b380a1c)
  • Stack: add forgotten interface export (#2456) (a85d20a)
  • Tooltip: do not propagate the onClick event on mobile when stopPropagate is set to true (#2438) (00467c5)
  • remove //flow from *.d.ts (5a57884)
  • CountryFlag stop exporting getCountryProps (#2436) (e001aabe)
  • ButtonPrimitive correctly forward ref (#2418) (cf4c4f33)



  • Stack: Renaming spacing values of Stack component and LinkList component – that was using Stack internally.
  • AlertButton: Removed size property from AlertButton since only the small size should be used and from now, it’s the default value. No actions should be necessary. If you used different than small size, just remove the usage of the property. Co-authored-by: Luděk Vepřek weprous@gmail.com

0.95.0 (2020-10-23)

Bug Fixes


0.94.0 (2020-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • TextLink: ariaCurrent should in optional in TS definition (#2365) (09857f7)


0.93.0 (2020-10-16)

Bug Fixes


  • Accordion: added Accordion component (#2280) (9d24499)
  • add Wizard component (99229b1)
  • ButtonPrimitive: add support for aria-current (d26067b)
  • Illustration: added image to images.kiwi (#2312) (6652782)
  • InputField: adding a autofocus attribute (#2236) (3ebec2e)
  • Modal: add prop to remove the close button (d96f46d)
  • TextLink: add support for aria-current (9e0b3e2)
  • Timeline: init component (#2287) (9447edf)
  • Tooltip: refactoring Tooltip into 2 separate components (#2230) (df3b3be)
  • add an agnostic entry point for icons (#2237) (597d1ec)

0.92.0 (2020-09-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Layout: width of Card on mobile (#2181) (8daca18)
  • updating TypeScript definitions to match Flow (#2202) (d476c2f)
  • Docs: internal github links (#2182) (da12261)
  • Table: updating default align and removing unnecessary vertical-align options (#2204) (0bfe9ae)
  • Tooltip: enable event bubbling for disabled children (#2201) (5f26d88)
  • update docs and icons link for monorepo (#2200) (27f4974)



0.90.1 (2020-08-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Pricingtable: rendering of wrapped mobile child (#2094) (5713e76)
  • popover memory leak (#2095) (9a9a890)
  • types: adjust Breadcrumbs, Tile, Button type declarations and exports (#2096) (b6cdc68)
  • types: adjust typescript types for heading and textarea (#2093) (0fcd753)

0.90.0 (2020-08-05)

  • fix!(Popover): actions on mobile are no longer hidden (#2040) (1a71008), closes #2040
  • feat!(PricingTable): adding option to display radio buttons on desktop (#2076) (8d1fee4), closes #2076

Bug Fixes

  • IllustrationPrimitive: defaulting flex shrink to false (#2036) (0a867f1)
  • InputStepper, Stepper: callbacks triggered when disabled (#2050) (81ed35b)
  • Layout: edge to edge behavior of deprecated Card (#2049) (637f677)
  • ListChoice: set role to checkbox when selectable is true (#2062) (70d1625)
  • Rtl: flow definition of destructured assigment (#2077) (6dd89e2)
  • Typescript: updating definitions (#2083) (b1fc89f)



  • adding a padding-top to Actions causing it to potentially collide with some wrappers with padding which might be in place
  • activeElement no longer passes active to children

0.89.0 (2020-07-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: unification of style from figma (#2032) (8c8868d)
  • extend type of tabIndex to allow numbers (#2029) (96c1a7b)
  • InputStepper: onChange is triggered when disabled (#2024) (387806c)
  • Layout: inner usage of Card – edge to edge behavior (#2025) (3d475f3)


0.88.0 (2020-06-30)

Bug Fixes

0.87.2 (2020-06-16)

Bug Fixes

0.87.1 (2020-06-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: add mobile back button onClick (#1944) (2bb09e0)

0.87.0 (2020-06-11)

Bug Fixes


  • ButtonLink: inline type and compact property, remove transparent (#1912) (8e2f128)
  • ButtonPrimitive: adding responsive visual style behaviour (#1911) (06a8622)
  • Dialog: change spacing between title and description (#1922) (7718db7)
  • FormElements: adding mobile border radius (#1915) (3a3c227)
  • General: adding display name to react contexts (#1936) (c1a0da4)
  • MediaQuery: adding prefersReducedMotion (#1921) (dd807cb)
  • Portal: refactor to hooks (#1923) (04ad886)
  • Stack: add baseline to align options (#1930) (eecc296)
  • TextLink: change focus state to non underlined text (#1914) (e2bb67d)

0.86.0 (2020-06-01)

Bug Fixes


  • InputField: adding onSelect, onMouseUp, onMouseDown (#1883) (8ce9435)
  • PictureCard: Add src attribute (#1544) (5a17c0b)
  • Table: adding striped on Table. Scope and as on TableCell (#1881) (5d49cfd)
  • TableCell: adding white-space and vertical align options (#1910) (5380443)

0.85.2 (2020-05-21)

Bug Fixes

  • defaultTheme global declaration and references of themeType (#1876) (6e1e60e)

0.85.1 (2020-05-20)

Bug Fixes

  • InputStepper: improve TypeScript definition (#1865) (86915f3)
  • Typescript: defaultTheme, missing instance (#1873) (d7e62cf)

0.85.0 (2020-05-15)

Bug Fixes


0.84.2 (2020-04-29)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonPrimitive: disabled render to DOM element (#1813) (0147810)

0.84.1 (2020-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Button: missing white type in flow definition (#1806) (153b158)

0.84.0 (2020-04-27)


  • feat(Buttons)!: Introduce ButtonPrimitive, implementing planned breaking changes (#1522) (ca4a641), closes #1522

Bug Fixes


  • Shifting small size to extraSmall
  • removes a separated type from List
  • SkipLink: renaming description prop
  • Buttons: Removing info, success, warning, facebook, google types from Button. Removing bordered property from Button.
  • removing unsafe className (deprecated, not public API) removing icon property (deprecated) changing type of width to string (planned)

0.83.0 (2020-04-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Compass: broken svg definition for icon font (#1759) (f8e7b72)
  • Tooltip: calculation upon change in the wrapped element (#1761) (e7b5474)


  • ChoiceGroup: updating the filter color from product color (#1757) (e1ad6f2)
  • adding new ButtonMobileStore component (#1756) (223c846)
  • Alert: changing the alignment of description (#1758) (fff86ca)

0.82.1 (2020-04-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip: with clickable element should close on mobile (#1752) (3af61f8)

0.82.0 (2020-03-31)

Bug Fixes



0.81.0 (2020-03-24)


0.80.0 (2020-03-20)


0.79.0 (2020-03-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Breadcrumbs: add correct html5 structured microdata for breadcrumbs (#1666) (692b3f5)
  • tooltip: usage of TextLink in content (#1680) (139a787)


0.78.0 (2020-03-12)

Bug Fixes

  • button: circled not being perfect circle with small children (#1654) (280905d)
  • button: Fix flow type of the button export (#1663) (4c07ca0)
  • pictureCard: Enabling heiight to be smaller than 200 (#1660) (633fbe5)
  • popover: Border radius on desktop and close button padding (#1658) (50b2a24)
  • popover: Opening with onKeyDown event (#1657) (ea27780)
  • popover: RTL calculation (#1653) (8572fea)


  • dictionary: add index.js export of all languages (#1650) (83f5a9d)
  • illustrations: Add optional alt property (#1656) (4a60dfd)
  • modal: Change title size to title2 on mobile (5ab25f2)

0.77.1 (2020-03-09)

Bug Fixes

0.77.0 (2020-03-06)

0.76.0 (2020-02-25)

0.75.0 (2020-02-19)

0.74.0 (2020-02-18)

Bug Fixes

0.73.1 (2020-02-12)

0.73.0 (2020-02-07)

0.72.0 (2020-01-27)

0.71.0 (2020-01-15)

0.70.0 (2019-12-18)

0.69.0 (2019-12-06)

0.68.0 (2019-11-27)

0.67.1 (2019-11-13)

0.67.0 (2019-11-11)

0.66.0 (2019-10-31)

0.65.0 (2019-10-22)

0.64.2 (2019-10-16)

0.64.1 (2019-10-14)

0.64.0 (2019-10-11)

0.63.0 (2019-10-04)

0.62.0 (2019-10-02)

0.61.3 (2019-10-01)

0.61.2 (2019-09-25)

0.61.1 (2019-09-25)

0.61.0 (2019-09-21)

0.60.0 (2019-09-16)

0.59.0 (2019-09-12)

0.58.0 (2019-09-04)

0.57.0 (2019-09-03)

0.56.0 (2019-08-27)

0.55.0 (2019-08-21)

0.54.0 (2019-08-15)

0.53.0 (2019-08-08)

0.52.0 (2019-07-31)

0.51.0 (2019-07-24)

0.50.0 (2019-07-17)

0.49.1 (2019-07-02)

0.49.0 (2019-07-01)

0.48.0 (2019-06-18)

0.47.0 (2019-06-10)

0.46.0 (2019-06-05)

0.45.0 (2019-05-31)

0.44.0 (2019-05-29)

0.43.0 (2019-05-27)

0.42.0 (2019-05-20)

0.41.0 (2019-05-15)

0.40.1 (2019-05-02)

Bug Fixes

  • build script to include data dir in compilation (#1025) (a71ab3d)

0.40.0 (2019-04-30)

0.39.1 (2019-04-23)

0.39.0 (2019-04-17)

0.38.1 (2019-04-05)

0.38.0 (2019-04-04)

0.37.0 (2019-03-27)

0.36.0 (2019-03-22)

0.35.0 (2019-03-15)

0.34.1 (2019-03-11)

0.34.0 (2019-03-08)

0.0.0-rc5 (2018-02-28)